Friday, January 11, 2013


1863       Born in kolkotta.
1879       enters in presidency college
1880       transfers to assembly institution
1881       november- first meeting with sri.ramakrishana
1884       pass BA Examination
1986       august 16-sri.ramakrishana passed away
               established baranagar math
1987       formal vows of sanyasa at baranagar monastery
1892       december-at kanyakumari
1893      feb 13 - first public leacture in secunderabad.
              may 31- sails america from bombay
              july 25 - lands at vancouver,canada
              july 30 - arrives chicago
              aug - meets professor john ft wright of harvard university
              sep. 11 - first address at parlament of religions
              sep 27 - final addres at parlament of religion
1894      april 14 - begins lecturers on the east coast
              may 16 - speaks at harward university
              july-august at green acre religious conference
              november - founds vedanta society of new york
1896      may 28 - meets max muller in oxford
              december 30 - leaves for india from naples
1897      jan 15 - arrives colombo
              feb 6-15 - in chennai
              feb 19 - arrives in kolkotta
              may 1 - establishes ramakrisha mission in kolkotta
1898      may - begins north india pilgrimagewith western devotees
              august 2 - at amarnath
              december 9 - consecrates belur math
1899      march 19 - establishment of  advaita ashram at mayavati
              june 20 - leaves second visit to west
1900      feb 22 - arrives in san fransisco,new york and los angels
              april 14 - founds vedanta society in san fransisco
              june - final classes in new york city
              july 26 - leaves europe
              augest 3 - arrives paris for international exposition
              sep 7 - begins tour of vienna,constantinople,greece, and cairo
              october 24 - speaks at congress of history of religions at exposition
              november 26 - leaves for india
              december 9 - arrives belur math
1901      march - may - pilgrimage in rast bengal and assam
1902     jan - feb - visits bodha gaya and varanasi
             march - returns to belur math
             JULY 4 - MAHASAMADHI

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